programs | stress regulation
How to induce a state of calm when the pressure never stops.
Without awareness and regulation, even the smallest threat can be unravelling.
In these current volatile, uncertain and rapidly changing times, learning to meet the moment in a way that reflects your values is critical.
In this program we take a deep dive into identifying the sources of stress in your life and coping mechanisms that might help. It explores the impact stress has on your performance, physiology, cognitive capacity, and overall wellbeing and provides techniques that enhance your ability to recognize stress in yourself and in others so that you can better manage your response in challenging times.
If we spend all our energy on trying to control events, predict uncertainty, or have things look or be a certain way, we will always be striving. This steals the opportunity to be with what is - and that is where the good stuff lives.This program covers:
Exploring triggers
Rest & recovery practices
How to engage with anxiety (others’ and your own)
The power of embracing discomfort
Understanding the negativity bias
Practical techniques that build the neural pathways to self-induce calm