


Choi, E., Lavallet, N. , & Bharti, M. (2024). Mindfulness and Psychological Capital: Examining the Role of Intention from the Person Perspective in a Multi-week Mindfulness Training Program.  Personnel Review.

Choi, E., ten Brummelhuis, L. L., & Leroy, H. (2024). Honesty Is Not Always the Best Policy: The Role of Self-Esteem Based on Others’ Approval in Qualifying the Relationship Between Leader Transparency and Follower Voice. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 31 (2), 1-19. 

Choi, E., & Sabey, A. (2024). “I could just exist … not in a box”: Experiential examinations of masculinity within a contemporary men’s group. Psychology of Men & Masculinities.25(2), 187–202.

Choi, E., Leroy, H., Johnson, A., & Nguyen, H. (2022). Flaws and all: How mindfulness reduces error hiding by enhancing authentic functioning. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology.

Choi, E., Farb, N., Pogrebtsova, E., Gruman, J., & Grossmann, I. (2021). What do people mean when they talk about mindfulness?. Clinical Psychology Review, 89, 102085.

Choi, E., Leonard, C., Gruman, J. (2021). A Balanced Perspective on Mindfulness. Organizational Psychology Review.

Roghanizad, M., Choi, E., Mashatan, A., Turetken, O. (2021). Mindfulness and Phishing Email Detection. AMCIS Proceedings. AMCIS - Americas Conference on Information Systems, Montreal, Canada.

Sinclair, M., Tobias, J., Robinson, J., & Choi, E. (2017). More Dynamic than You Think: Hidden Aspects of Decision Making. Administrative Sciences.

Dierynck, B., Leroy, H., Savage, G., & Choi, E. (2016). The Role of Individual and Collective Mindfulness in Promoting Occupational Safety in Healthcare.Medical Care Research and Review.

Choi, E. & Tobias, J. (2016). SIOP Commentary - Mind the Gap: The Link Between Mindfulness and Performance Needs More Attention.Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

Corti, K., Geddy, R., Choi, E., Gillespie, A. (2015). The Researcher as Experimental Subject:Using Self-Experimentation to Access Experiences, Understand Social Phenomena, and Stimulate Reflexivity. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science.

doctoral Thesis

Mindfulness and Individual Error Orientation in High Reliability Organizations. (2017). University of Western Ontario. Supervisor: Alison Konrad

masters Thesis

The Impact of the Physical Body on Attributions in Personnel Selection Decisions: Examining the selection process of one individual through two different bodies using novel Cyranoid methods. London School of Economics. Supervisor: Alex Gillespie.

Conference Presentations

 Zhang, K., Choi, E., Vongswasdi, P., & Leroy, H. (2024).  “When and Why Employees Can (Cannot) Learn from their Errors: From A Cognitive Rumination Perspective”, Academy of Management Proceedings, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, United States of America.

Choi, E., Kavaratzis, S., Illes, A. (2024). “Flourishing In Online Learning: Why Being Lost Together Beats Being Lost Alone.” Academy of Management Proceedings, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, United States of America.

Roland, D., Kavaratzis, S., & Choi, E. (2024). Experiences of Othering in the Modern Mindfulness Movement: A Critical Race Theory Perspective. Academy of Management Proceedings, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, United States of America

Kavaratzis, S., & Choi, E. (2023). How Well We Know Wellness: Closing the gap on wellness program research in the workplace through mixed-methods topic modelling. Academy of Management Proceedings, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Seattle, United States of America

Choi, E., Scott, K., Fatallah, R., & Nguyen, P. (2022). Resilient Leadership: An intrapersonal and intrapsychic model of resilience. Academy of Management Annual Conference Proceedings.

Kavaratzis, S. & Choi, E. (2022). How Well Do We Really Know Wellness? Academy of Management Annual Conference Proceedings.

Mitchell, F., Kavaratzis, S. & Choi, E. (2021). The Curious Effects of Online Wellness Training During COVID-19. Academy of Management Annual Conference Proceedings.

Choi, E., Dierynck, B., Leroy, H., & Krause, V. (2018, August). “Meditate to Create: How mindfulness reduces competition-induced pressure to stimulate creativity”. Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA.

Choi, E., Reb, J., Vogus, T., Tobias, J., Cameron, L., Kay, A., Hafenbrack, A., Sguera, F., Lychnell, L. (2016, August). “Mindfulness Research Methods: Different Approaches to Understanding Mindfulness in Organizations.” Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, USA.

Sinclair, M., Tobias, J., Choi, E., Ping, P., Maimone, F., Robinson, J.L. (2016, August). “Innovative Approaches to Improving Organizational Decision-Making: Theory, Method, and Practice.” Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, USA.

Kim, G. and Choi, E. (2015, August). “The Attenuating Effects of Trait Mindfulness on Episodic Envy and the Potential Mediating Mechanisms.” Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Choi, E., & Kay, A. (2015, April). “Mindfulness, Ego Depletion and Task Performance.” Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

Choi, E., & Reb, J. (2014, August). “The Effects of a Corporate Mindfulness Intervention on Employees”. Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

Book Chapters

Gruman, J., & Choi, E. (2020). Well-being at Work: A Balanced Approach to Positive Organizational Studies. Satinder Dhiman. The Palgrave Handbook of Workplace Wellbeing.

Choi, E. & Leroy, H. (2015). Methods of Mindfulness: How We Study Mindfulness at Work.Reb, J. & Atkins, P. Mindfulness in Organizations.

Reb, J., & Choi, E. (2014). The Practice of Mindfulness in Organizations. Singh, N. The Psychology of Meditation. , Nova Science Publishers., New York, United States



Human Resources & Organizational Behaviour, Special Topics I and II -

Theories of Leadership


Organizational Behaviour

Individuals and Groups

Interpersonal Effectiveness and Teams

Foundations of Leadership

Developing Talent

Workplace Health and Safety

Mindful Leadership


Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada – New Frontiers in Research Fund, “Building resilience: How conservation agriculture can help smallholder women farmers adapt to climate change”

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada – Insight Development Grant: “Probabilistic Modeling of Human Performance in Critical Time ­Sensitive Missions

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada – Insight Development Grant: “Mindfulness and Phishing Detection

Learning & Teaching Grant, “Anti-Black Racism Live Actor Simulations for the Classroom” - 2023/24

Mindfulness and Envy - 2020-21 TRSM Research Development Grant

Learning and Teaching Grant, “Understanding the role of social community in online wellness training” - 2020-21

Ontario Graduate Scholarship, Province of Ontario, Canada 2016-17

MITACS-Accelerate Graduate Internship 2014-2016

C.B. (Bud) Johnston Ontario Graduate Scholarship, Ivey Business School, Western University 2015-16

Ontario Graduate Scholarship, Province of Ontario, Canada 2015-16

C.B. (Bud) Johnston Ontario Graduate Scholarship, Ivey Business School, Western University 2014-2015

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